The Everyday Ageism Project

The Everyday Ageism Project aims to capture people’s everyday experiences of ageism. Research by EURAGE shows that across the European region, ageism is the most commonly experienced form of prejudice, yet relatively little is known about how it is experienced, who experiences it and the situations which may leave people vulnerable to age discrimination.

By providing a safe forum for people to anonymously share their experiences, the project aims to understand the consequences of ageism and the ways that age discrimination can affect people’s everyday lives. We also wish to encourage people to share their stories to show that ageism does exist and that it is a valid problem worth discussing.


Thursday, 11 April 2013

Tailor and Alterationist Tells how Customers Confound Age with Experience

“Shunned, talked through, or told that they want the other ladies to serve them”

This is actually an everyday occurrence, it usually happens multiple times in an 8hr day at work. It happens with new people and returning customers that come into the shop that I work in generally with ages 35 years and up. I'm a tailor and I work as an alterationist, people come into the shop and if I'm alone assume I cannot even pin their clothes, so will ask for when the 'older' ladies are in, or if it's something they wanted that day they ask when the 'older' ladies will be back because "why would they leave someone there who can only do the cash?" If I'm not alone (the other people that work in the shop are older than me, I am 25 while they are 45-55), I'm either shunned, talked through, or told that they want the other ladies to serve them. If I decide to mention or if one of my co-workers mention that I have a degree and I've worked at this shop now for 8 years meaning I'm the second senior staff member, and have trained other people how to sew, those people are flabbergasted, and simply can't believe it. Fortunately most succumb to this idea that someone can be young in this field and know what they are doing. However there still is a large portion that can't accept  it, you'd be surprised at how many like to tell me how to do my job still, which includes telling me how to sew on a button.

[This is ageism] because I am judged by my age as to whether or not I can do my job not the fact that I've had school training and years of professional experience.

It makes me angry and it also upsets my co -workers when they see it and my boss hates it and also feels insulted, because people think that a person she trusts with her business is no good. It makes me hate a lot of old people, so I'm going to do everything in my will power to not be like this and to trust that the generations below me were taught like I was.

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